We hoped the situation with the covid’19 would calm down in the following months, but the epidemic situation in Russia (Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk) continues to evolve unpredictably. We highly appreciate the intention of many participants to come for in-person presentations. However, due to continuing potential health risk and uncertainties of travel, the Organizing Committee of MPLP2021 has to make the decision to hold the MPLP Symposium entirely online both for oral and poster sessions.


We are glad to announce the 9th International Symposium “Modern Problems of Laser Physics” (MPLP-2021) and International school on laser physics and photonics for young scientists that will be held in Novosibirsk, Russia, on 22 August — 29 August , 2021 (see the agenda here).

The main objective of MPLP-2021 is to present the frontiers of modern laser physics and its numerous applications, as well as bring together scientists from all regions of the world to establish fruitful scientific collaboration. During the symposium, there will also be the School for Young Scientists.

Depending on the sanitary and travel situation, we will adapt the MPLP-2021 format. This year we provide online access to MPLP to the participants who can’t attend the symposium in-person and some of the invited talks will be done online.

The Symposium language is English.


Chairman of the Symposium


Academician, Prof. Sergei N. Bagayev

Scientific Director of the Institute of Laser Physics


Scientific Secretary of the Symposium


Dr. Oleg Prudnikov

e-mail: mplp2021@gmail.com


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